Factors affecting marketing mixes
Factors that affect the marketing mixture can be divided into the following two categories:
(i) market factor; and.
(ii) Marketing factor.
(1) Market factor: These are the factors that a company has no control over when they affect the company’s marketing activities. There are such factors:
(1) Consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour includes the desire and preference of consumers. It affects the demand of products. As desire and preference are affected by changes in income, fashion, social status, etc., marketing manager, while, preparing a marketing mix, should study these factors.
(2) Competition. Marketing Manager should take into account the competition base, competitors’ point of view, consumers, quality and characteristics of the competitors’ products and their marketing strategies.
(3) Pattern of distribution system. Marketing Manager, while marketing mix should consider the nature and behavior of various forms and distributors of the distribution system. Considering the nature and characteristics of the product they should be very careful about making decisions in this regard.
(4) Government Control. A marketing manager should consider various government controls on marketing activities about the company’s products in preparing the marketing mix.
(11) Marketing Factors: These are the factors that a company has full control over so that they can be fitted according to the market requirements. There are such factors:
(1) Product plan. The company’s product must meet customers’ needs. Therefore, the product quality should be planned to conform to customers’ needs.
(2) Brand Policy. Brand policy includes decisions about business mark and brand name. This affects the company’s product sales volume. Marketing Manager may decide a brand name for different products or different brand names of the company for different qualities of the same product.
(4) Distribution channel. Marketing Manager should make decisions about the product’s nature, the nature of distributors, their needs, their approach to the product and the proper channel of distribution taking into account their moobles. He can adopt a kind of distribution channel for all products or different channels for different products.
(5) Personal Selling. Personal sales is the skills that matches customers’ needs with the company’s products in affecting a seller sales. Marketing Manager should decide whether to promote sales through personal sales. This includes decisions about the recruitment, training and the organisation of sellers.
(6) Advertising Policy. Advertising Policy includes decisions that predict advertising expenses and its control. Marketing Manager has to prepare objectives, area, advertising and advertising copies, etc. taking into account the advertising policy.
(7) Special Sales Promotion Policy. Besides the general advertising policy, the manager should also provide for special sales promotion policy.
(8) Physical distribution. Marketing Manager should decide the physical delivery policy of goods, including transport, warehouse and finance management so that the product can be made available to customers at reasonable time and place with minimum cost of delivery.
(9) Market Research. Market research is the soul of marketing. Marketing Manager should use the information derived from market research in preparing the marketing mix.
Although the above factors help to prepare an ideal marketing mixture; but the practical, experience, knowledge and foresight of marketing officers play a significant role instead of these analytical and technical factors.
Mix the type of marketing
In the marketing plan we use marketing information to assess the situation. We have to choose specific marketing goals as market segments. For each section or subdivision of the market we prepare a combination of several tools or types of marketing activities that integrate into a single marketing programme to reach a particular target or market segment. The combination of these marketing methods or tools is known as marketing.
A successful marketing strategy should have a marketing mix as well as a target market for which a marketing mixture is prepared. The elements or variables that create a marketing mixture are only four:
(1) Decision on product or service,
(2) decision at the price,
(3) Decision on promotion, and
(4) Decision on distribution.
Marketing Manager is a mixer of all marketing ingredients and makes it a mixture (bending or combining) of all marketing elements and resources. Marketing Mix provides optimum (at least cost) combination of all marketing ingredients so that we can achieve the company’s goals such as profit, return on investment, sales volume, market share etc. This is a profitable formula of our marketing operations. The marketing mixture will be changing naturally according to changing marketing conditions and also changing with environmental factors (technical, social, economic and political) affecting each market. It is, of course, based on marketing research and marketing information. It should be completely related to the customer’s demand, competition as well as other above environmental forces. In the simplest way, the basic marketing mixture is a mixture of four inputs or submics that make the core of the marketing system:
(1) Product Mix: The product is a utility keeping. It has four components:
(1) product range,
(2) After-sales service,
(3) Brand, and.
(4) Package.
Product Management develops product mixture in consultation Manager.
(2) Price Mix: The price is the evaluation placed on the product by the criminal. it’s pricing, to cover the discount,
Loan Permission and Conditions. This price belongs to the competition.
(3) Place (Distribution) Mix: Delivery is the delivery of the product and has the right to consume. This includes distribution, transport, warehouse and channels of. list control.
(4) Promotion Mix: Promotion is motivational communication about the product by the potential criminal. This includes advertising, personal sales, sales promotion, promotion, public relations, exhibition and promotion. It belongs to very non-price competition.
Some marketing experts indicate seven ingredients in the formula of the marketing mixture. additional three materials.
Are: (1) Packaging, (2) Perception, and (3) Persemination – All of the Marketing Formula in 7 p. Plastic package has assumed new importance in self-service retail sales. Perception is a faculty of insight capable of searching and seizing hidden marketing opportunity, e.g. ‘hook’ of cloves in teeth paste, tea bags, ayurvedic content in cosmetics. Strongness is the necessary approach to emphasize someone’s strong desire against all obstacles. The whole marketing team must be self-motivated team to demonstrate firmness. So without perception and tenacity, the marketing mix of a new product can only be a failure.