Meaning of Marketing Mix
To achieve success in the market, whatever combination of different sales policies is adopted or made, is known as the ‘Marketing Mix’, the object or product in the marketing mix, its brand, trade mark, packing, price, delivery method, promotion, sales promotion, including Tayan, Marketing Research, etc
Each organisation or undertaking combination or mixing of all these factors in a way that within a certain specific period, and in some special circumstances, maximum profits can be earned. A marketing manager with the help of marketing mixing excludes the marketing program, so that the firm’s net profit can increase and customers get maximum satisfaction.
Some ideas of scholars about the concept of marketing mixture are the following:
In Rustom S. Davar’s opinion, to achieve success in the market, make policies or adopted market mixtures used, by manufacturers (manufacturers).
In the view of Kelly and Laser, the market mixture is made up of components that are used with the aim of encouraging customers to buy some specific or specialized products.
In Stanton’s opinion, the market mixture is the term used to describe four elements as the necessary part of any company’s marketing, that is, products, distribution systems, price-structure and development functions of the product.
classification of element or marketing mix.
The main ingredients of the following marketing mixture are:
(1) Products. The need for proper or suitable product and its development arises in any market. Various products attract customers from different areas. To make the product impressive and impressive, marketing is needed.
According to McCarthy, product-planning is first launched, for various markets and customers. According to the customers’ taste and temperament, forms, colors and designs, etc., are determined. The product is packed in various sizes and quantities and as per requirement, it is assigned a brand. To popularize the product, it is standardized; and to keep customers satisfied, the base of the service is planned and provided.
(2) Place. In the marketing mix, the location element occupies special importance. It is very necessary that the thing required or demanded by the customers be made available for them in a reasonable time and place. Without this, the production of goods and services is unimportant. In McCarthy’s opinion, distribution media should be selected and it should be decided to supply goods from producers to consumers.
(3) Promotion. It is necessary to promote production sales. It is very necessary for this reason that once the product is offered to the customer, it becomes necessary to continue the customer and encourage it to purchase. McCarthy has felt that for sale promotion, personal contacts, promotions and ads are demanded and potential customers are converted to full customers.
(4) Price. We see that different products are supplied to customers at a certain specific price. Price is determined by the organisation. When setting the price, various cases should be taken into account and considered, for example, competitive items, product properties (dead), demand, utility, price, etc. Pricing is an important element of making demand and increasing or pushing demand. When setting the price, it is also necessary to consider about commission or discounts for customers such as facts or discounts, terms of purchase by the customer, procedure or method of payment of price etc.
According to time and circumstances (position), marketing must affect the change in the mixture. This happens, day by day, various changes in demands by consumers, their tastes and likes, fashion, traditions and conferences, etc., in addition, the requirements and demands of customers, their purchasing power, life level, education and social and economic policies continue to change and from time to time. Due to such changes, some changes in the marketing mixture have also been affected. For a manufacturer, it is necessary to affect changes in the marketing mixture, in order to maintain customers’ regularity. In the marketing mix, change price, packing, brand, color, form, size, design and can be included in accordance with the properties or characteristics of the product.