Hindi Words : हिन्दी शब्द Common words in hindi (Quiz)

What is hindi? hindi words are something similar to the english meaning words.

English-Hindi dictionary list words learn in hindi.

Hindi words
hindi words

Hindi Words

number Hindi in English
1 शुरू start
2 नमस्ते hello
3 साधारण simple
4 एक one
5 वह he
6 है is
7 पर पर
8 मुश्किल difficult
9 रोज daily
10 उपयोग use
11 शब्द कोष dictionary
12 शब्द words
13 तुम You
14 प्यार Love
15 शुरूआत beginner
16 यह this
17 सुंदर beautiful
18 कुछ Some
19 सुची List
20 पास Have
21 हम We
23 लिखना Writing
20 पास Have
21 हम We
23 लिखना Writing
24 कला Art
25 पर But
26 और And
27 हमारे Ours
28 लोग People
29 रहना Live
30 रोना Weep
31 फल Fruit
32 कलम Pen
33 संख्या Number
34 कपड़ा Cloth
35 फायदा Profit
36 नुकसान Loss
37 मुझे I
38 मुख्य main
39 जहाँ Where
40 वहां There
41 नहीं Not
42 टमाटर Tamato
43 दम Power
44 लाभ Profitable
45 बस Enough
46 प्रकार Type
47 चित्र Picture
48 यह This
49 मनुष्य Human
50 बहुत Very
51 प्राचीन Old
52 थल Land
53 तब Then
54 तक To
55 गिरना Fall
56 काटना Cut
57 क्या What
58 क्योंकि Because
59 कब When
60 कैसे How
61 कर सकना Can
62 औजार Tool
63 बाल hair
64 मुल्य cost
65 स्थिति position
66 बट्टा interest
67 सबसे अच्छा best
68 संभव possible
69 एकबार once
70 देश country
71 अन्य Other
72 खाना Food
73 हल Solution
74 नमक Salt
75 औरत Woman
76 मर्द Man
77 अभिनेता Hero
78 अभिनेत्री Heroine
79 खलनायक Villain
80 अमीर Rich
81 गरीब Poor
82 ऊंचा High
83 नीचा Down
84 पैसा Money
85 हंसना Laugh
86 विनती humble
87 के माध्यम से through
88 भव्य gorgeous
89 अजीब weird
90 मालिकाना possessive
91 सुची bae
92 जिज्ञासु curious
93 हो सकता है might
94 उचित appropriate
95 शानदार fabulous
96 से than
97 समानार्थक शब्द synonyms
98 अरे नहीं damn
99 अशिष्ट rude
100 हास्यास्पद ridiculous
101 भाई bother
103 व्यापक comprehensive
104 सनकी freak
105 मुझे me
106 प्यारा cute
107 मैं भी me too
108 व्यर्थ vain
109 किताब Book
110 आवरण Cover

Words in hindi Quiz Format

Try our Free Hindi Alphabet Words english meaning words. Words by Google in hindi. This quiz made with the help of google form.

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Hindi words list
List words in hindi 

Learn hindi English words

Hindi words concussion :-

Thank you for reading my this article on words in hindi with english meaning words learn.

hindi words dictionary words alphabest. Share please.

What is hindi?

Hindi is a language like english speaking in south east Asian continent.

Is hindi language popular?

Hindi language is a beautiful language. It is speaking in india. Yes hindi language popular languages in world. After Mandarin Chinese, english hindi (hindustani) language is 3rd most popular language.

Hindi varnamala 

Where is hindi language?

India country people use daily hindi language

What is hindi words of “can”

सकना is hindi words of can

what is hindi words of “word”

शब्द is hindi words of word

what is hindi words of :- Common

सामान्य is hindi words of Common

what is hindi words of :- what

क्या is hindi words of what

what is hindi words of :- tool

औजार is hindi words of tool

what is hindi words list

हिन्दी, शब्द, शिक्षा, संस्कृति, इतिहास, भूगोल, लेकिन, उन्होंने, तो, वह, जो, दोनों, देश, etc hindi words

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