What is hindi? hindi words are something similar to the english meaning words.
English-Hindi dictionary list words learn in hindi.
hindi words |
Hindi Words
number | Hindi | in English |
1 | शुरू | start |
2 | नमस्ते | hello |
3 | साधारण | simple |
4 | एक | one |
5 | वह | he |
6 | है | is |
7 | पर | पर |
8 | मुश्किल | difficult |
9 | रोज | daily |
10 | उपयोग | use |
11 | शब्द कोष | dictionary |
12 | शब्द | words |
13 | तुम | You |
14 | प्यार | Love |
15 | शुरूआत | beginner |
16 | यह | this |
17 | सुंदर | beautiful |
18 | कुछ | Some |
19 | सुची | List |
20 | पास | Have |
21 | हम | We |
23 | लिखना | Writing |
20 | पास | Have |
21 | हम | We |
23 | लिखना | Writing |
24 | कला | Art |
25 | पर | But |
26 | और | And |
27 | हमारे | Ours |
28 | लोग | People |
29 | रहना | Live |
30 | रोना | Weep |
31 | फल | Fruit |
32 | कलम | Pen |
33 | संख्या | Number |
34 | कपड़ा | Cloth |
35 | फायदा | Profit |
36 | नुकसान | Loss |
37 | मुझे | I |
38 | मुख्य | main |
39 | जहाँ | Where |
40 | वहां | There |
41 | नहीं | Not |
42 | टमाटर | Tamato |
43 | दम | Power |
44 | लाभ | Profitable |
45 | बस | Enough |
46 | प्रकार | Type |
47 | चित्र | Picture |
48 | यह | This |
49 | मनुष्य | Human |
50 | बहुत | Very |
51 | प्राचीन | Old |
52 | थल | Land |
53 | तब | Then |
54 | तक | To |
55 | गिरना | Fall |
56 | काटना | Cut |
57 | क्या | What |
58 | क्योंकि | Because |
59 | कब | When |
60 | कैसे | How |
61 | कर सकना | Can |
62 | औजार | Tool |
63 | बाल | hair |
64 | मुल्य | cost |
65 | स्थिति | position |
66 | बट्टा | interest |
67 | सबसे अच्छा | best |
68 | संभव | possible |
69 | एकबार | once |
70 | देश | country |
71 | अन्य | Other |
72 | खाना | Food |
73 | हल | Solution |
74 | नमक | Salt |
75 | औरत | Woman |
76 | मर्द | Man |
77 | अभिनेता | Hero |
78 | अभिनेत्री | Heroine |
79 | खलनायक | Villain |
80 | अमीर | Rich |
81 | गरीब | Poor |
82 | ऊंचा | High |
83 | नीचा | Down |
84 | पैसा | Money |
85 | हंसना | Laugh |
86 | विनती | humble |
87 | के माध्यम से | through |
88 | भव्य | gorgeous |
89 | अजीब | weird |
90 | मालिकाना | possessive |
91 | सुची | bae |
92 | जिज्ञासु | curious |
93 | हो सकता है | might |
94 | उचित | appropriate |
95 | शानदार | fabulous |
96 | से | than |
97 | समानार्थक शब्द | synonyms |
98 | अरे नहीं | damn |
99 | अशिष्ट | rude |
100 | हास्यास्पद | ridiculous |
101 | भाई | bother |
103 | व्यापक | comprehensive |
104 | सनकी | freak |
105 | मुझे | me |
106 | प्यारा | cute |
107 | मैं भी | me too |
108 | व्यर्थ | vain |
109 | किताब | Book |
110 | आवरण | Cover |
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Hindi words concussion :-
Thank you for reading my this article on words in hindi with english meaning words learn.
hindi words dictionary words alphabest. Share please.
What is hindi?
Hindi is a language like english speaking in south east Asian continent.
Is hindi language popular?
Hindi language is a beautiful language. It is speaking in india. Yes hindi language popular languages in world. After Mandarin Chinese, english hindi (hindustani) language is 3rd most popular language.
Where is hindi language?
India country people use daily hindi language
What is hindi words of “can”
सकना is hindi words of can
what is hindi words of “word”
शब्द is hindi words of word
what is hindi words of :- Common
सामान्य is hindi words of Common
what is hindi words of :- what
क्या is hindi words of what
what is hindi words of :- tool
औजार is hindi words of tool
what is hindi words list
हिन्दी, शब्द, शिक्षा, संस्कृति, इतिहास, भूगोल, लेकिन, उन्होंने, तो, वह, जो, दोनों, देश, etc hindi words