Importance of marketing

Marketing function is considered important due to the following contributions:

1. Marketing concept enables the organization to keep the changes equal to. an organization practice
Feels the pulse of the market through constant marketing audit, market research and consumer test.

2. The purpose of any marketing concept is consumers’ satisfaction. This is the customer who is ready to pay for goods, converts economic resources to health, converts things to goods. All economic activities like production, distribution and consumption are dependent on marketing.

3. Another specific feature of marketing concept is integrated management action i.e. all the different functions of business should be integrated tightly with each other, keeping marketing as axle.

5. A marketing function maintains a regular conversation with existing and potential consumers to be detected.
their needs.

6. Marketing has been described as a member of society and as a means of helping man.
A better standard of life for society as a whole.

India’s huge rural marketing is providing sufficient opportunities. About 80 percent of the total population lives in villages. More than 50 percent of NI is generated from rural areas. Marketing has not made much in rural areas in rural areas. Therefore, rural people need to play a significant role in providing more and more good to increase their lives level.

However, in the modern age of marketing, the objective of marketing isn’t so much to find customers for goods and services produced by the firm as it is to find ways in which the firm’s resources can be used to meet the needs of the necessary customers and maximize the profit. Guides everyone’s actions and decisions in the marketing business.

As we know, the end of all production is consumed. But there’s a detailed difference between production and consumption. The place of production is from the point of consumption.

Marketing Management Working/Working

Marketing Management determines marketing objectives, develops marketing plans, organizes marketing tasks, puts marketing plans and strategies into action and monitoring marketing programs in final analysis. Accordingly, the scope of marketing management includes the following activities.

Assessment of marketing operations

● Planning marketing activities.

● Providing effective marketing.

● Organizing and maintenance of after-sales promotion, advertising, credit control and services activities.

Evaluation and adjustment of marketing effects

There are four important grounds of the modern concept of marketing:

(1) customer oriented,

(2) integrated marketing,

(3) Benefits through consumers’ satisfaction, and.

(4) Consumer welfare.

(1) Customer-oriented. The first and most important basis of the modern concept of marketing is that it’s a customer-oriented concept of marketing. This concept assumes that all activities of a producers should go around the choice or behavior of consumers. It assumes we should find this another home that we should fix our consumers; we should find our products that can be borne by our consumers; we should provide our consumers; we should provide our customers; we should provide our customers; we should provide our customers; we should fix the price that is more trusted by our consumers; we should fix the price that can be borne by our consumers; we should fix the price that can be borne by our consumers; we should fix the price that can be borne by our consumers.

(1) A consumer is the king of the market. A manufacturer deepens its consumers and consumers, doesn’t depend on the manufacturer.

Only those things and services can be sold in the market which are according to the taste and choice of consumers.

A manufacturer should always emphasize the production of new and developed products so that he can attract more consumers.

(2) Integrated marketing. The second important basis of the modern concept of marketing is that marketing is an integrated system. This is not limited to the physical delivery of goods and services. Under this concept, a firm must meet the needs of its customers by setting effective coordination between different departments and can contribute companies. All departments of a firm in the best positions of its responsibilities in the best positions of companies.

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